Tuesday, June 22, 2010

10,000 Swing Challenge

This is my third time doing this challenge! I loved it the first two times (well, to be honest, *most* days I loved it, but there were a few that I did NOT love it at all). I think it's an awesome way to get an extra workout in every day without having to go to all that much trouble. It's also super convenient because I can do it anywhere (inside when it's raining or when the kids are napping, outside when the kids are playing, at my mom's house when the kids are visiting, etc). And it's very very simple, using the most basic of kettlebell exercises!

The 10K Swing Challenge is pretty self-explanatory... 10,000 kettlebell swings in 30 days, which comes out to roughly 333 swings per day. Personally, I like nice, even numbers, so I generally do 350 swings a day, unless I'm feeling feisty and decide to do 400, or occasionally even 450. Doing a few extra a day also allows for a few rest days when finding even 15-20 minutes is near impossible. Doing a few extra and staying ahead of the game is awesome because if you DO have to skip a day, you don't have to double up the following day.

You can do any combination of swings you want. What I generally do is set my handy dandy Gymboss Interval Timer for 1 minute/30 second intervals. I do as many hand to hand swings as I can in 1 minute and then rest for 30 seconds. Then I do as many 2 handed swings as I can in a minute, and rest for another 30 seconds. I stick with that pattern for the first 300 swings. And my final 50 are overhead swings. Using the timer really helps me get my butt in gear and it also really really helps me get the 350 swings over with FAST. It usually only takes about 15 minutes to complete my 350 swings. Simple as that!!

The first time I did the challenge, I used my 20lb bell. The second time I used my 12kg bell. I was really hoping to hold off on starting another 30 day challenge until I got a heavier bell, but alas finances did not allow it *sob* Once I get this challenge done, I am going to treat myself to a 14kg (or maybe even a 16kg!) bell :-)

Anyway, I'm going to keep track of how many swings I get done each day in this blog post. I'll just update it daily. It helps me to be able to see what I've done. So without further ado.....

Day 1
: 350 swings
Day 2: 350 swings
Day 3: 350 swings
Day 4: 350 swings
Day 5: 350 swings
Day 6: 300 swings
Day 7: 350 swings
Day 8: 350 swings
Day 9: 350 swings
Day 10: 350 swings
Day 11: 350 swings
Day 12: 350 swings


Anonymous said...

You're like a God to me! I'm ordering bells after my surgery...then I'm gonna get tore up from the floor up..just like you!

J and A said...

Cool! I may have to try this. :)

linds. said...

it's super simple!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea...I am SO going to do this!! Off to get a kettlebell tonight. ☺